2025 Research Grants Round Open

Glossy Black-cockatoo Recovery Program

Now extinct on mainland Australia, the nationally endangered Glossy Black-cockatoo subspecies Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus has its last refuge on Kangaroo Island.

Glossy Black-cockatoos

The Kangaroo Island Glossy Black-cockatoo Recovery Program is one of Australia’s leading examples of how good governance, strategic planning, community commitment and appropriate resourcing can effectively reverse the decline of a critically endangered species.

Reasons for the glossies decline include past clearance of vegetation, which has dramatically reduced critical drooping sheoak feeding habitat and large, hollow-bearing trees needed for nesting. These losses have been compounded by competition for remaining tree hollows from other species, including feral honey bees, little corellas and galahs, together with an over-abundance of common brushtail possums, a natural nest predator that eats eggs and nestlings, significantly reducing breeding success.

The recovery program started in 1995 with less than 160 Glossy Black-cockatoos in existence and has nursed the population back from the brink of extinction, doubling the population of glossies on Kangaroo Island to over 360 birds and helping them to spread eastwards across the island.

Impact of the 2019-2020 Bushfires

Unfortunately a devastating fire significantly impacted much Glossy Black-cockatoo habitat on Kangaroo Island during the summer of 2019-2020.

All recovery program activities are guided by the Glossy Black-cockatoo Recovery Plan, a strategic document developed by technical experts that describes the objectives, strategies and performance targets of the recovery program. The recovery program is also advised by the expert and experienced Glossy Black-cockatoo Recovery Team.

The main focus of the program has been planting drooping sheoaks for the birds to feed on, protecting hollow-bearing trees from invaders and conducting nest maintenance to improve breeding success. Post-bushfire recovery will be a significant focus of the program in coming years.

How Your Donation Can Help

We invite you to donate (once-off or regular monthly debit) to the Glossy Black-cockatoo Recovery Program to:

Help save and protect the Kangaroo Island Glossy Black-cockatoo population by donating to our Glossy Black-cockatoo Rescue Fund. Your contribution - no matter how small - will help fund vital conservation work.

Donate online or contact Nature Foundation on 08 8340 2880 or [email protected].


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