Partner With Us
Protected areas are becoming the final refuges for threatened species and ecosystems. It is our mission to engage people, resources and good science to conserve the precious habitat of South Australia.
Painted Dragon; photo M Launer
Nature Foundation partners with universities, community groups, Traditional Owners, government departments, businesses from all sectors, schools, landholders and volunteers. Our partners bring a diverse set of values, priorities, resources and competencies to the table, all connected by a common vision and a desire to achieve genuine outcomes for nature conservation.
Through partnerships with individuals and business we provide pathways where together we make a bigger contribution to the prosperity of our natural environment - more projects, in more places, with more people across South Australia.
Our partnerships offer:
- Access to knowledge/expertise: Mitigating risk and reducing potential mistakes by greater understanding of the operational context.
- Access to people: Drawing on a wider pool of technical expertise, experience, skills, labour and networks.
- Efficiency: Sharing resources allows for more efficient project delivery and avoids duplication.
- Innovation: Developing unexpected / new ways of addressing old issues and complex challenges.
- Capacity building: Enhancing skills and competencies in the workforce and community grows our ability to effectively manage the environment together.
- Increased public awareness: By involving a greater cross-section of the community in protecting and restoring nature we will provide a better future for our children.
Nature Foundation has expertise in:
- Carbon offsets
- Climate adaptation
- Conservation land management
- Ecosystem monitoring and assessment
- Environmental education
- Environmental offsets
- Facilitating nature science research
- Fundraising
- Kids on Country program
- Significant environmental benefits
- Social research
- Terrestrial ecology
- Wetland and floodplain restoration
- Youth engagement
Corporate partnerships
Nature Foundation greatly values its corporate partners and welcomes all forms of sponsorship support. Current sponsorships support conservation projects on our nature reserves; Kids on Country camps for young Aboriginal people; purchasing of equipment for scientific monitoring; support for Nature Foundation events and more.
We offer a range of sponsorship benefits to acknowledge and promote our corporate sponsors and welcome the opportunity to discuss these further. Benefits may include:
- Nature Foundation logo provided for advertising purposes
- Corporate Partnership recognition by Nature Foundation
- Invitation to visit Witchelina and Hiltaba nature reserves
- Invitations to Nature Foundation events
- Carbon offset opportunities (if appropriate)
- Media opportunities to promote sponsorship
- Community brand recognition of corporate support throughout South Australia
- Thank you article in Nature Foundation publications and social media
- Recognition on Nature Foundation website
- Recognition in Nature Foundation annual Impact Report
- Qualifies as a tax-deductible donation/gift
For further information please contact
Alex Nankivell
Chief Executive Officer
Phone: +61 (08) 8340 2880
Mobile: +61 (0) 422 267 096
Patrick Mentzel
Philanthropy Coordinator
Phone: +61 (08) 8340 2880
Mobile: +61 (0) 425 410 561
First Nations Partners
Gawler Ranges Aboriginal Corporation
Corporate Partners
Centre for Invasive Species
Government of South Australia
Native Vegetation Council
SA Power Networks Employee Foundation
Second Nature Conservancy
Conservation Research Partners
University of South Australia
Industry Memberships
Australian Land Conservation Alliance
South Australian Nature Alliance