2025 Research Grants Round Open

Other Funds & Appeals

Nature Foundation gives you the opportunity to support our conservation efforts in a variety of ways.

Browse our other appeals below, or support our feature appeals or make a general donation here. Your tax deductible donation helps us to protect, conserve and restore the ecosystems that support nature.

Grand Start Grants
Your donation supports a variety of academic endeavours, from PhD projects to early career research and beyond.
Professor Mike Bull Research Fund
The late Professor Michael Bull has left a wonderful legacy in animal behaviour, ecology and conservation.
Glossy Black-cockatoo Recovery Program
The Glossy Black-cockatoo has its last refuge on Kangaroo Island.
Native Plant Nursery
We provide fire affected landholders with a diverse range of KI’s native plants.
Feral Cat Eradication Program
You can help Kangaroo Island to protect its precious wildlife.
Australian Sea Lion Fund
The Australian sea lion is now one of the rarest seal species in the world.

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Let's Stay In Touch

Sign up to receive email updates about our work and how you can help nature. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Please see our privacy policy for details of how we will use your information and keep it safe and secure.