2025 Research Grants Round Open

Wildlife Recovery Fund Grants Program

Almost $450,000 in community donations has been granted to 20 Wildlife Recovery Fund recipients to help wildlife and native flora recover from the  devastating 2019-20 bushfires.

WRF grant recipient Donna and Mostyn from Kenton Valley looking at regeneration at their property

A range of projects across bushfire-affected communities in South Australia have received between $1,000 and $50,000 each to re-establish habitat, help the recovery and protection of threatened species and increase knowledge about the environmental impact of bushfires.

The Wildlife Recovery Fund is a collaborative project between the State Government and the not-for-profit Nature Foundation. The two joined forces in response to the fires that burnt across 285,000 hectares on Kangaroo Island and parts of the Adelaide Hills, South East and Eyre Peninsula.

Round One of Wildlife Recovery Fund Grant program was hugely popular with 68 applications received to the value of approximately $1.8 million received, meaning the Fund was significantly over-subscribed and more assistance is needed. All eligible applications were assessed by expert representatives of the Department for Environment and Water and Nature Foundation, before the final successful list of grantees was approved by the Nature Foundation Board.

Wildlife Recovery Fund grants distributed by region

Region WRF Funding
Hills and Fleurieu $177,283
Kangaroo Island $146,361
Limestone Coast $25,000
Eyre Peninsula $49,925
More than one region $50,000
Total $448,569

Please donate to the Wildlife Recovery Fund


The 2019-20 bushfires caused devastation across South Australia.  Nature Foundation and National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia joined forces to create the Wildlife Recovery Fund. The Fund takes a long-term strategic approach to re-establish critical habitat and undertake priority recovery actions in South Australia, particularly for threatened and vulnerable species. It has attracted wonderfully generous donations large and small from across Australia and overseas.

The Wildlife Recovery Fund Grants program (the Grants program) supports individuals, community groups and other organisations to undertake projects aimed at promoting the medium to long term recovery and increasing resilience of fire impacted habitats, native flora and fauna (particularly threatened species) in South Australia.

The Grants program has funded a range of projects that assist natural regeneration, pest plant and animal control, and fencing, through to technical activities such as species translocation and monitoring programs. Projects that increase scientific knowledge of habitat and native flora and fauna species recovery and resilience are encouraged

The Wildlife Recovery Fund has raised more than $450,000, and it continues to accept donations. You can donate here.

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