Science Strategy
Nature Foundation’s Science Strategy 2018-2023 aims to deliver the best evidence-based outcomes for conservation in South Australia and directly underpins every aspect of our work.
Researchers at Hiltaba Nature Reserve; photo James Dorey
Nature Foundation invests in protecting, conserving and restoring the South Australian ecosystems that support nature. This work is underpinned by our commitment to nature science, ensuring that we accumulate vital knowledge about our ecosystems to make the most efficient, effective and valuable contributions to conservation.
Nature Foundation’s Science Strategy 2018-2023 sets out the governing principles for the Science and Knowledge Program. It also describes the investment mechanism and decision-making process that will enable South Australian ecological science to grow and develop to benefit Nature Foundation, its nature reserves and the broader community.
Research priorities
The research priorities detailed in our Science Strategy are:
- Ecological and landscape issues affecting our properties.
- Ecological issues affecting either threatened or over-abundant species.
- Improvement in conservation and/or restoration of South Australian terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems.
- To provide ecosystem resilience towards climate change.
- To improve the connection between community and nature through activities including ecotourism, citizen science and/or other engagement methodologies.
- Water, especially including but not limited to, Water for Nature activities, and the Murray River.