SEB & EPBC Offsets
Nature Foundation is a Significant Environmental Benefit (SEB) and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) offset provider, and offset credit holder, broker and consultant. We bring together project developers, landholders and regulators in a natural alliance.
On Hiltaba Nature Reserve; photo Subbu Conley
As South Australia’s preferred provider of environmental offsets, Nature Foundation delivers a range of native vegetation and threatened species offset solutions tailored to each partner’s needs.
The co-benefits of partnering with us include meaningful engagement with projects, becoming part of a broader legacy and supporting development of ecological knowledge.
Offset partners observe and experience first-hand the advances in nature conservation their investments have made. Transparency is integral, and strong relationships form.
Get in touch with our team to see how we can work together to meet your needs.
Are you seeking a suitable offset site or offset credits for your project?
We can assist you by professionally managing:
- Identification and securing of offset land
- Establishing the area as an offset credit site
- End to end approvals
- Offset Management Plans
- Ongoing land management of offset areas for environmental gain
- Monitoring and reporting, and liaison with regulators and stakeholders
- Securing contractual agreements between multiple parties – offset offtake agreements
Successful Offset Delivery
Nature Foundation secures and delivers SEB and EPBC offsets for leading resources, energy and infrastructure clients.
Witchelina SEB Offset Program (40,000 ha)
A partnership between the Nature Foundation, the Commonwealth and five resources companies with SEB and EPBC offset requirements led to the 2010 acquisition of a former pastoral property in South Australia’s far north for the Witchelina SEB Offset Program.
Gidgealpa Station SEB Offset Program (20,000 ha)
To fulfil the SEB offset requirements from Santos Group’s production and exploration activities in South Australia, Nature Foundation has established and continues to manage an offset area on a pastoral property leased by the Group.
Murbpook Lagoon SEB Offset Program (360 ha)
Nature Foundation purchased Murbpook in 2020 and is managing the property to fulfil the SEB offset requirements from SA Water’s Zero Cost Energy Future (ZCEF) project.
Our offset clients include:
Oz Minerals, Electranet, Santos, Beach, Senex, SA Water, DP Energy, Solar River Project
“In 2018, OZ Minerals joined with Nature Foundation in an innovative partnership for significant environmental benefit, which ensures a robust long-term focus on environment protection and restoration. We have built a partnership model that provides a platform for others to join us and contribute to native vegetation management, and creates value beyond the two organisations involved. The long-term nature of the agreement allows OZ Minerals to meet our obligations to offset clearance of native vegetation, and has already been drawn-on for the Carrapateena and the Hill to Hill Transmission Line Projects, while Nature Foundation continues the protection of South Australia’s natural biodiversity.”
- Andrew Cole, Chief Executive Officer, OZ Minerals