Welcoming Glenise Coulthard AM to the Board

July 11, 2023

Nature Foundation is delighted to welcome Glenise Coulthard AM to the Board as a Director in a casual vacancy following the recent retirement of Millie Nicholls after eight years of service.
Glenise Coulthard AM is an Adnyamathanha woman from the Northern Flinders Ranges who brings a wealth of experience, with over 45 years in the SA Government public sector, specialising in health services and regional areas. 
During her career, Glenise held the position of Director of Aboriginal Health in the Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network, SA Health and led several state projects on Children’s Health, Family Birthing, Otitis Media & Renal Health from operations at Port Augusta Hospital and other regional health.
In 1996, Glenise received a Churchill Fellowship, travelling to New Zealand and the United States to view First Nations Children and Women’s Programs.
She also holds the distinction of being Australia’s longest-serving Director on the Board of the Royal Flying Doctor Service, spanning 20 years.
From 2015-2017 Glenise was Deputy Chair for the Flinders Ranges National Park co-management board and a Member of the Wilderness Council, adding country and conservation experience to her skills portfolio. 
Since her retirement in 2022, Glenise has been sharing her expertise with some select organisations, including the SA Housing Authority Board and as Chair of the Aboriginal Housing Advisory Committee.
With a calm and considered approach to her leadership roles, Glenise enjoys building opportunities for remote communities through applied on-ground research, innovation and community development and ensuring the inclusion of Aboriginal people in decision-making.
Nature Foundation has long partnered with Aboriginal communities and traditional owners on our nature reserves, and we are honoured to welcome our first Aboriginal Board Director.
“Glenise is passionate about Aboriginal culture and engagement, and we are looking forward to further developing these aspects of our organisation within a biodiversity conservation framework,” says Nature Foundation Chair Jan Ferguson OAM.

See our Board of Directors here.

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