Supporter profile: Janet Smyth

May 23, 2024

Our supporters help Nature Foundation in many ways, from attending events to volunteering to donating to joining as a member. We greatly appreciate this support in all its forms and are pleased to shine the spotlight on our nature-loving community.

How long have you been a Nature Foundation supporter, and how did you first get involved?

I live on the Eyre Peninsula and have been actively involved with conservation, volunteering for many years and participating in revegetation, weeding, fox baiting and walking trail construction with the Friends of the Southern Eyre Peninsula Parks and Coastcare.
In 2017, I developed breast cancer, and it caused me to contemplate what to do with my assets should I die, as my family is self-sufficient. I spoke with a friend about different environmental conservation organisations, and they suggested Nature Foundation. I have since committed a Gift in Will to Nature Foundation.

Why do you support Nature Foundation?

I studied zoology and botany at university in the UK, and my husband and I both had a passion for the environment. The Smyth family have been actively involved in conservation for many years, and my father-in-law fenced off a hilly part of his land to keep the sheep out, creating our own family nature reserve. We occasionally visited the reserve all together, particularly to see the native wildflowers in springtime. The joy of witnessing Greenhoods and Sun Orchids, Pultenaea and Hardenbergia was a beautiful reward for removing the grazing pressure.

As an individual, actively participating in or supporting nature conservation is one of the things you can do to counteract climate change. Nature Foundation has a comprehensive approach to helping our natural environment, and I am happy to contribute to their efforts.

What do you find most rewarding about your involvement with Nature Foundation?

I enjoy the company of like-minded people who share my concern for the environment. As a Nature Foundation supporter, I have been actively involved with conservation activities on the nature reserves. I find these tasks, such as maintaining fences, infrastructure restoration, monitoring wildlife, walking trail construction and even weeding, very rewarding.

What are your hopes for the future of nature conservation and biodiversity in Australia?

I truly hope that many more people will become actively involved in supporting and enhancing our natural environment and that all organisations make more effort to a sustainable global future.

If you would like to learn more about leaving a Gift in Will, visit our Bequests page, or contact Philanthropy Coordinator, Patrick Mentzel by calling (08) 8340 2880 or emailing [email protected] 

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