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Message from the Chair

July 13, 2022

I am writing to inform you of an important update regarding recruiting the new Chief Executive of the Nature Foundation. The Board approved the advertising of the position through Hender Consulting, ensuring we reached a broad and highly qualified field of potential candidates.

The Board were very clear that they wanted someone who could take the Foundation forward, is passionate about conservation, competent ecologically and who could build collaborative commercial, nature conservation and nature science relationships with existing or potential partners.  Also of importance was the need to attract someone who could support the Board to meet its governance accountabilities, provide services to members and generate income that would provide financial security and stability to the Foundation in the long term.

The selection panel and I shortlisted candidates independently from a competitive field to interview.  The process was comprehensive and unbiased, with all candidates performing well and to a high standard.

On Monday night, the Board met and unanimously supported the recommendation of the selection panel to appoint Alex Nankivell to fill the vacant position of Chief Executive of Nature Foundation.

Many would know that Alex is the longest-serving staff member of the organisation and has contributed significantly to the current success of our organisation. Alex has the vision to position the Nature Foundation as a leader in the Nature Positive Future.

Underpinned by

  • Targeted acquisition of land or partnerships that increase land being managed for biodiversity.

  • Significant partnerships developed with Traditional Owners.

  • Reintroductions of fauna or flora to our reserves.

  • A provider of Nature-based Solutions through best practice land management, science, and monitoring.

  • A knowledge leader in the field of conservation and biodiversity management.

I hope you will join me in wishing Alex all the best as he steers Nature Foundation to refocus our conservation efforts, ensuring we continue to be an inspirational, financially secure organisation that achieves operational excellence.

Jan Ferguson OAM

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