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Introducing the Kids on Country Aboriginal Advisory Group

May 16, 2024

A successful funding application to the National Indigenous Australia Agency (NIAA) in 2023 has secured the Kids on Country™ Junior Ranger Program for the next three years and allowed the team and program to grow.
An aspect of this growth is the establishment of a Kids on Country™ Aboriginal Advisory Group to advise on the program's delivery and future development. 

We are excited to have recently held its first meeting, welcoming the inaugural members.

Members of the Aboriginal Advisory Group represent various Aboriginal groups, offering diverse perspectives to ensure the Kids on Country program continues to support a range of stakeholders. 

Meeting approximately three times a year, the group will provide strategic advice and guidance to Nature Foundation about the delivery and future growth of the Kids on Country™ Program, including:

  • Assisting with developing strategies to enhance Aboriginal community participation in the program.
  • Providing advice and helping facilitate the development of new strategic partnerships that grow the scope and impacts of the program.
  • Providing feedback on new program delivery ideas aimed at increasing the program's impact.  
  • Assisting in developing new and innovative pathways for young people to explore and enter employment in conservation and land management industries.
  • Providing advice on: 
    • Evaluation frameworks to promote the success of the program.
    • Approaches to best manage issues and success barriers identified through the evaluation processes.
  • Assisting with strategic promotion of the program through industry and educational stakeholder networks.

We are delighted to welcome and introduce the group members to you and look forward to providing further updates throughout the year.


Back row, from left: Seth Karpany, Katie Perry, Cherie Rolfe, Candice Love, Warren Milera and Tim Tuikaba
Front row, from left: Christine Abdulla and Beverley Paterson

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