2024 Friends of Parks Forum and Awards

July 26, 2024

The 2024 Friends of Parks Forum and Awards are coming up in August and we are delighted to be sponsoring the Habitat Protection and Restoration Award!

Friends of Parks Forum and Awards

Friday 23—Sunday 25 August 2024
Belair National Park and Club Marion

The Friends of Parks Inc. Awards recognise outstanding group achievements in five different categories:

Nature Foundation Habitat Restoration and Protection Award

Projects/activities that protect/restore/monitor native plant communities and associated eco-systems, including but not limited to, pest plant control, re-vegetation, bush care etc.

Wildlife Protection and Recovery Award

Projects/activities that protect/restore/monitor native wildlife communities and their associated eco-systems.

RAA Innovation Award

A new/different method/approach to activities that have an on-park biodiversity management outcome.

Cultural and Structural Heritage Award

Projects/activities that are aimed at preserving/renovating/restoring/ protecting/interpreting cultural and/or structural heritage and assets on park.

Adelaide Airport Community Engagement Award

Projects/activities that reflect communicating/interpreting/educating aspects of the South Australian parks and reserves to the SA community.

Nominations close Friday 2 August 2024.

Learn more about the Forum, purchase tickets, and nominate a volunteer group you know doing outstanding work here.

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