On Tuesday evening Nature Foundation held their 2024 Annual General Meeting at Payinthi, Eliza Hall on Prospect Road, and livestreamed to remote members online.
The AGM provides an opportunity to update members on Nature Foundation’s 2023-2024 work, achievements and finances.
The AGM was hosted by Nature Foundation Board Chair, Jan Ferguson OAM, who shared highlights from the past financial year, including:
- Two new nature reserves: Bullock Bridge and Mongolurring
- Progressing our Forever Nature Fund
- Highest fundraising Vital Work Appeal, over $148,000
- Ongoing financial stability of the Foundation
- Increasing populations of Yellow-footed Rock-wallabies at Hiltaba and Mount Lofty Ranges Southern Emu-wrens at Watchalunga
- Growing member and supporter base
- 90 volunteers registered for our new Volunteer program
- Ongoing growth of and support for our Kids on Country™ program
- Our first Family on Country camp at Hiltaba Nature Reserve
- Collaborating with key stakeholders and groups including Regent Parrot Recovery Team and Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard Recovery Team
- Pioneering best practice Pygmy Bluetongue population estimate methods
- Incorporating technology in our conservation work such as audio monitoring and AI camera trap image interpretation
View more details in our 2024 Impact Report here.
Board Director and Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee, Douglas Ransom, provided a summary of the Foundation’s financial performance for the year, including:
- The 2023/24 financial year result was a surplus of $1.3m.
- Net assets increasing to $18.4m from $17.1m the previous year
The Returning Officer then provided the declaration of appointment of Board Directors.
This year saw three existing Board Directors' terms expire:
- Jan Ferguson OAM, Chair
- Professor Phil Weinstein, Deputy Chair
- Douglas Ransom, Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee
These three Board Directors were all nominated for re-election, and with no other nominations received, the three nominees were re-appointed to the Nature Foundation Board as Directors for a three-year term.
Nature Foundation Chair, Jan Ferguson OAM, expressed her gratitude for the support from members in continuing the positive work of the current Board of Directors.
Read about our Board Directors here.
Following the formal AGM proceedings, we enjoyed a presentation from Nature Foundation's Science and Knowledge Program Manager, Dr Paul van Ruth, who shared an overview of the Foundation's new science strategy and its four pillars:
- Ecosystem characterisation
- Functional ecosystem restoration
- Threatened species and
- Pest species

Thank you to all members who participated in this year's AGM; we greatly value your involvement and dedication to the Foundation.